About Wonton In A Million

Hi! My name is Cynthia and I'm the owner and Chief Dimsum Eater of Wonton In A Million, home of the Dimsum Steam Team. What is dimsum, you ask? Think: weekend brunch featuring Chinese tapas combined with the buzzing of an Asian night market!

Wonton In A Million was founded in April of 2015 when, one day, I was eating at the dimsum restaurant my dad manages in New York City—Oriental Garden—and the thought floated into my head... "Wouldn't it be great if there were punny, dimsum greeting cards?" Thus, the Steam Team (Dream Team, get it?!) was born.

My hope is that Wonton In A Million will help introduce dimsum to the world, to bring people (back) into the Chinatown neighborhood I grew up in, and to spread the love of this beloved cuisine and cultural ritual throughout the world.

Because for as long as I can remember, my dad has worked so hard for Oriental Garden: he came to the US in the 1980’s, joined the restaurant as a busboy, and worked his way up to becoming the manager. But in recent years, like the rest of Chinatown, the restaurant has been struggling (despite being a favorite of chefs like David Chang and Eddie Huang). While my dad insists on the highest quality ingredients and sources the freshest seafood, waking up at 6am on his one day off every week to pick up fresh fish shipments, Chinatown is changing. Its Chinese residents are being priced out of Manhattan.

In Chinese, dimsum means to “touch the heart.” So I hope the Steam Team touches your heart, makes you hungry, and inspires you to come experience NYC’s Chinatown with new eyes and to support small Chinatown businesses everywhere.

Thank you so much for reading my story! And thank you so much for allowing me to do what I love ❤️ Join me and other members of the Wonton Fam on Instagram @wontoninamillion or in our Facebook group and sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest in dimsum news and products.

A Wonton of Love,
Chief Dimsum Eater
Wonton In A Million

Have Questions?

Email us at hello@wontoninamillion.com and we'll get back to you within 1-3 business days!